Friday, September 17, 2010

Urgent call on EU to stop billion-euro 'alien invasion'

A Ruddy Duck drake
The Ruddy Duck is just one of more than 1,300 alien species living in Europe which threaten biodiversity.
Leading experts on invasive species are demanding Europe-wide legislation be put in place by next year to tackle the threat to native wildlife.

A European inventory in 2008 found more than 10,000 alien species in Europe, with 1,300 having some kind of impact. This impact was exerted either on the environment, economy or, on human health.

Water hyacinth
Water hyacinth grows vigorously and is very expensive to remove from water courses.
And numbers are on the rise. Research published this year in the journal Science found alien species in Europe have increased by 76% in the last 30 years alone.

Asian Tiger mosquito
The Asian tiger mosquito carries the Chikungunya virus which causes an illness similar to Dengue fever in humans.
As well as the impact on biodiversity and agriculture some species are also a problem for human health.


United States

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