Monday, September 20, 2010

What Makes A Dog Lick The Anal Area

Licking is a natural behavior that dogs learn from puppyhood. Dogs cannot talk but they have an effective way of showing their affection to people they like. In order to communicate; a will lick other dogs and also humans. A mother licks the puppies clean. Mother dogs would lick the puppies not only to show affection but to stimulate defecation and urination.

owners are often perplexed at the habit of the pet to lick the anal area. Dogs that lick their butts have other reasons as certainly this habit is not done to show affection. owners will be amused to see the efforts of a that is trying to lick the rear end. However, it would not be amusing if the that was seen licking the butt would lick the master’s face to show its affection.

A mother will lick the puppy after it has urinated or defecated. The behavior to lick was learned by dogs from puppyhood. Dogs use their long raspy tongue for grooming purposes. Humans shake hands – dogs sniff each other’s butts. The butt licking behavior can be the ’s way of ensuring that the rear end is free from dried feces and from the smell of the feces as well. Dogs have the predilection for anything that humans find horrible. Dogs love to eat feces and to roll in rotting animals. The butt licking habit is a part of the ’s predilection for smelly things we humans find repulsive.


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